Anonymity is important in retrospectives because it helps establish trust and psychological safety. Retrium helps you preserve anonymity and psychological safety.
While you can view who is currently present in your retrospectives using the left-side navigation panel, the content of retrospectives is completely anonymous.
During the private brainstorming phase, you'll only be able to see the content of your own notes unless the facilitator reveals everyone's notes. This is to reduce groupthink and to maintain the anonymity of individuals.
Each note in Retrium is a different color, which is randomly generated from a selection of color options. The colors are not associated with the card topic, the team member who wrote the card, or the card's column.
Once you move on to the Group phase, everyone will be able to see all of the cards with text but will not know who created each card.
Anonymity makes Retrium a valuable option for distributed or co-located retrospectives because team members are not able to identify who wrote each card based on the color or size of the note, the person's handwriting, or any other distinguishing feature. The best ideas can then be considered without being influenced by who wrote them.